I'm Allison Sue.


Around here we bake bread, pet chickens, and gather
wild herbs from fields

all while discussing personal growth, health & wellness, and answering our callings in life.

all while discussing personal growth, everything health, and answering our callings in life.

Around here we bake bread, pet chickens, and gather
wild herbs from feilds


I'm Allison Sue.

read more on all this

Podcaster, Blogger, business woman, homesteader, accidental sheep mama, proud Navy veteran's wife, and East Asian Medical Doctor in the making. I'm the aunt that buys baby chicks as presents and the friend that shows up to your house with fresh baked bread and raw milk.  

I LOVE learning new things and have so many interests. So when they asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, my answer was “AND YES”,

But when they asked me what I was going to BE when I grew up, I replied with something my dad shared with me when I was young… “I’m going to be whatever I am called into this world to be.”

Does that hit different for you too?...  I want to help you step into the calling that comes from within so that you can help change your world and find the kind of peace that only comes from purpose!

Take the Quiz!

Find a clean, simple, non-toxic skincare and/or makeup routine that is perfect for day to day. Whether you're a slow morning or fast-paced lifestyle kind of person!... It's time to love the skin you're in.

Take the Quiz: What's Your Ideal Clean Beauty Routine?

Get Help finding your clean beauty routine

Places you might have seen me:


The podcast

My dad used to always tell me, “you can do anything you feel called to do in life” and I’m here to say the same thing to you. Forget trying to “do it all” just step into what you were made for and I promise you, a peace that passes all understanding will encompass it.

They say to be and do anything you want, but let’s be honest, “anything” is just too many options. 

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I made these for you  

Things to get you started

Cleaner Living Beginners Guide

Want to start reducing the toxins in your life to help your body feel less overwhelmed? This guide gives you three simple places to start.

The 1% Better Momentum Worksheet

We don't usually get where we're going in one giant leap. This worksheet helps you figure out where to start making the smallest changes for biggest impact.

Clean Beauty Quiz

Find a makeup and/or skincare routine that is toxin free, performs well, and leaves you feeling more confident in your skin.

download the guide

Take the Quiz

Get the worksheet

- Allison Sue

We all have an inner compass that will lead us to our best lives. We just have to learn to read it and follow the path it takes us down.


An accidental farm girl, proud veteran navy wife, travel lover, and a warm beverage drinker all year round. Most of my days are spent creating strategic plans to make wildest dreams a reality. 

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I'm Allison Sue

Oh Hey!

As I was creating this site, I asked myself what I would want you to know if you had scrolled this far and it came down to this: your dream life is possible. Yes, it'll take time, and work, and a whole lot of pivots, but I promise you it'll be so worth it in the end. Your dream life is YOURS for a reason. The world needs you to bring it to life. Whether that's because it'll impact many or just simply means there will be another happy person in this world - happiness is contagious... and that's something worth spreading 🥰

All my love and hope for you,

Allison Sue

My Message to You

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