An accidental farm girl, proud navy veteran wife, book lover, and warm beverage drinker all year round. By day I record beautiful conversations about what it looks like to show up and answer your calling in life. By night I herd farm animals in muck boots and a messy bun. Oh, and I also study east asian medicine alongside my hubby as we work towards our doctorates in acupuncture and herbology!
Here, I want to challenge you to take a step into a higher level of living. A level that requires you to live from within your heart, soul, and mind. A level that sets you onto the path you were brought into this world to be on.
Get Help identifying your dream life + create an action plan
An accidental farm girl, proud veteran navy wife, travel lover, and a warm beverage drinker all year round. Most of my days are spent creating strategic plans to make wildest dreams a reality.
As I was creating this site, I asked myself what I would want you to know if you had scrolled this far and it came down to this: your dream life is possible. Yes, it'll take time, and work, and a whole lot of pivots, but I promise you it'll be so worth it in the end. Your dream life is YOURS for a reason. The world needs you to bring it to life. Whether that's because it'll impact many or just simply means there will be another happy person in this world - happiness is contagious... and that's something worth spreading
All my love and hope for you,
Allison Sue
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